Controlling Your Zinc and Manganese Phosphate Baths

Cleaning the Hard to Clean

To the uninitiated, 磷酸盐浴的日常操作看起来令人望而生畏,甚至可能有点复杂. 而温度和浓度是大多数化学应用的常见参数, both phosphate baths have added complexity acid points, acid ratios, dissolved iron, sludging, heating source, & more. In this post, 我们将重点介绍这些工艺的一些关键特征,并讨论它们如何影响您的成品涂层.

在这些应用中发展的磷酸盐涂层是发生在溶液内和部件表面上的几个周期性竞争反应的结果. 温度是促使这种反应发生的关键驱动力, which is why these baths operate at such high temperatures. Typically, a phosphate bath is going to require a temperature over 180°F, 具体操作温度取决于所使用的共金属和具体产品. 在低于温度的浴槽中运行会阻止反应正常进行, resulting in a rough, grainy coating – or no reaction at all; run the bath too hot, and you can drive up the free acid level, potentially causing an unwanted attack on the base metal.

Achieving and maintaining these temperatures relies on an adequate and reliable heat source; however, not all are created equally in this scenario. 磷酸盐溶液的一个特点是它们对大的温度梯度很敏感, and gradual heating of the solution is preferred. Intense, localized heat sources, such as gas-underfired tanks, disrupt the chemical equilibrium of the solution. 这导致浴槽的参数偏离操作范围, 并对最终的涂层产生负面影响. Commonly, these baths are heated with immersion steam coils or plates, 哪一种使溶液在更大的表面积上加热并将热量分散到整个溶液中. 其他方法包括装有绝缘夹套加热系统的储罐,该系统可以均匀地加热储罐周围的环境. High-volume applications also can utilize direct, 活蒸汽加热浴槽,当与自动加药相结合时,可以帮助补偿因拖出而造成的体积损失.

也许磷酸盐应用中最令人困惑的方面是它们的总酸值和游离酸值. 许多化学应用需要一定浓度的标准操作程序, which is quickly observed through a simple titration. 磷酸盐溶液主要是用磷酸配制的,同样也用规定的初始浓度配制. 这个值反映在所谓的“总酸”值或点注中, 这并不一定直接转化成体积比浓度. Total acid is determined by titrating to a neutral pH, indicated with phenolphthalein, 测量所有对溶液酸度有贡献的成分. 总酸值的调整是通过向浴液中加入原液产品来实现的.

磷酸盐浴的独特之处在于溶液的“游离酸”度量. As mentioned before, these chemistries are based around phosphoric acid, which has the unique characteristic of being a triprotic acid. In essence, 它在分子和溶液中有三个酸性质子(氢离子), 它不同程度地同时存在于4个不同的州. 在磷酸盐应用中,这个值是整个反应机制的主要组成部分. If the free acid is too low, the coating will fail to develop; if the free acid is too high, 这种溶液反应性太强,会腐蚀或腐蚀母材. 可以通过加热溶液而不进行加工来增加游离酸值,可以通过在浴液中加入中和剂来降低游离酸值.

总酸和游离酸的另一个细微差别是数值之间的比例. 这是简单地由总酸和游离酸的值除以. 最初配制浴液时,这些成分与游离酸的比例一般为6:1. As previously discussed, these baths are fluctuating, dynamic systems; and as these baths are used and begin to age, the acid values begin to deviate. 而不同的产品将为这些值单独策划特定的目标范围, 值之间的比率也很重要,因为它表明了成分的相对组成, independent of the total concentration.

最后,铁浓度是在磷酸盐应用中监测的另一个关键成分. As briefly mentioned before, 这些反应可以在晶体发育中利用锌或锰作为共金属. 除了这些共金属外,铁也是这些晶体形成的基本元素. 推荐的铁浓度是特定于产品和应用的,但范围可以从0.0-0.4%. 铁含量也与最终的涂层重量直接相关,因为它们增加了晶体的质量. Upon initial makeup, the solution will not have any iron dissolved, 这就是为什么浴池经常用废金属或钢丝绒“闯入”,溶解在溶液中,增加铁的含量. Some applications are designed to run “iron-free,,并将利用氧化剂或“促进剂”沉淀出多余的铁,以达到低涂层重量. 测定铁含量是用高锰酸盐滴定法, which is a strong reducing agent.

了解您的浴池状态以及如何操作它是成功操作这些澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的一个重要方面. 所描述的每一个方面都对涂层的质量产生影响,并作为成功应用之前的关键指标.
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Contributed by: Connor Callais

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